A step towards some change

I am a very simple egyptian girl, who is not satisfied somehow with her society and feels like this specific society deserves more than it gets, and can be the best with little more effort and much more frankness and persistance. "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."(Maya Angelou)

Location: Cairo, Egypt

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

مكتب "الوطن" لتوظيف العماله في الخارج

مشهد بيتكرر كتير اوي يمكن اكتر من مرة في بيت واحد.
الاب لابنه: بص يابني انا استلفت فلوس من عمك و بعت دهب امك عشان تقدر تسافر تعمللك قرشين.
انا عارف انك كنت لاول على دفعتك مع ذلك متعينتش فى الكليه عشان ابن العميد العاشر على الدفعه لازم يتعين.
الابن: يا بابا انا همسك في الفرصه دي بإديا و سناني انا ما صدقت اني الاقي فرصه زي دي.
و يسافر الابن الي الخارج ميهمش الخليج ولا غيرها المهم ان البلد خسرت ابن من اولادها بسبب الكوسا و المحسوبيه ومع الاسف اننو هيلاقي اللي هيقدر امكانياته صح.
مشهد تاني يحزن اكتر.
الابن ده لما يرجع بلده تاني هيكون الحال كالتالي:
بابا انا جاي في الاجازه دي ان شاء الله عشان نشوف العروسه اللي انت قلتلي عليها (ده اذا مكنش اتجوز اصلاً) ونخلص الموضوع و اخدها و نسافر. انا بصراحه مقدرش افضل في البلد دي اكتر من كده مفيش حاجه عدله و كله زفت الاسعار, الخدمات والامكانيات كمان.
ام العريس تتكلم مع ام العروسه: يا حبيبتي ابني ماشاء الله جاهز من كله و شغال في بلاد بره بيقبض بالافرنجي و بنتك هتعيش معاه هناك معززه مكرمه و مش هتحتاج حاجه.
ام العروسه لابو العروسه: ده عريس لقطه يا حاج مش هيكلفنا حاجه و ياخويا اختها الصغيره اولى بالفلوس اللي هنوفرها نجهزها بيها. على بركة الله.
و تتكرر المشاهد المشابهه او غير, المهم هو هنفضل لامتي خيرنا و خير بلدنا طالع لبره كده محدش هيقدر يستحمل يعيش في البلد ؟ نسيبها تخرب اكتر؟ وللا نتحرك فبل فوات الاوان و قبل غيرنا ما يجي يشفط خيرنا و خير البلد دي !!! ساعتها بس هنقول ياريت !!!!!!!!!!
اللي يعرف يرد عليا

American Dream

When I was a little child I've always dreamed of travelling to Europe or even America, that dream just kept growing. Movies, products and fake civilisation just kept nourishing my "American Dream". I was really fascinated with the life style, "freedom" and everything there. After I grew up and started to realize the fake mask this culture is wearing, by this time I had my own view and my own theory about the "American Dream".
If we looked closer we'll easily realize that the Americans were mainly criminals, outcasts and thieves, whose countries' jails couldn't bare more and thus were sent to the "new land". I mean that they are not of a main united origin thats why they are all suffering ethnic. They had this major sadistic background of serial killings for the native Americans (no wonder they are reviving that tradition back).
Even those who were of some "noble" origin they were cruel enough to enslave the Africans and treat them as animals with lower rank of rights (so long for the "noble" origin). I mean if we compared their origins and their attitude nowadays we will understand why they act like this. Its simply lack of unity in origins, that they all carry along where ever they go, which makes them so degraded that they like to prove themselves to other people by power and ruling the world's sources.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

We are the pharaohs!!

I am the grand son of king Tut, thats why I am still following my ancestors' traditions in writing and registering all our memories, daily routine and even love stories on the walls.
But our new generation has applied new techniques that suits the new age we are living. It's not necessary to write on walls only, wherever you have space, pen and free time to take down notes do it. You can do this on your way back home on the bus, subway, or even micro and minibuses, and if you are walking you can still write on every single wall that you pass by. It's more fun to write on people's own property and sign ur name, your beloved name and your dates too.
"WE ARE THE GREAT SONS OF OUR GREAT ANCESTORS", the common illusion we are all living these days and clinging to it. It's great to appreciate our ancestors and their incredible intelligence. Our attitude is the most incredible mere stupidity which we insist to adopt. Our ancestors are our past, we can't live without a past, yet we can't live in the past forever. Time changes, people changes and so should we. Change is our only tool for coping and moving with this country forward. This fierce developed countries consider us a burden over the whole world ,that we shouldn't live in this world sucking all its natural sources without working back.
The Pharaos have done their own part of working hard and thinking, but what have we done uptill now...................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Change

It is quite interesting following up the Egyptians' attitude outside our boarders. That citizen in his own country spitting , throwing out garbage in the street and even driving his own car with less respect to the normal and simple principals of any decency. While that same person's attitude changes 180 degree once he gets out of the plane anywhere else outside his country. Simply he follows every single tiny rule and principal. He, by all means, tries to fit into that society by adopting the normal attitude of "western citizen".
This always brings into my mind that Quranic verse "الاقربون اولى بالمعروف" or" charity begins at home". For that citizen his own country deserves his positive change more than doing it for the sake of other countries.