A step towards some change

I am a very simple egyptian girl, who is not satisfied somehow with her society and feels like this specific society deserves more than it gets, and can be the best with little more effort and much more frankness and persistance. "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."(Maya Angelou)

Location: Cairo, Egypt

Saturday, January 05, 2008

some change "لا ادري"

now guys i'd gladely present to u a new young and enthusiastic talent and i'm so proud that his first broad publish is through my poor blog so for all of u who appreciate the word and the word for itself plz tell me and him ur truthful opinion about his first published work "لا ادري" . Now ladies and gentlemen elbashmohandes Ahmed Ramadan
الى متي سيطول بي الزمان من دونها..................؟

لا ادري !!!

الى اين ستاخذني الليالي بعد رحيلها ...................؟

لا ادري!!!!!!

الى متى ستظل عيني تقطر دما على فراقها............؟

لا ادري!!!!!!!

الى متى سيظل قلبي يتمزق اشلائا من فقدانها..........؟

لا ادري!!!!!!!!!!

الى متى سيظل عقلي مذهولا لا يؤمن بقدرها.............؟

لا ادري!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

الى متى ستظل روحي تذبل و تذبل حزنا بعد ان صارت وحدها..............؟

لا ادري!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

الى متى سيظل جسدي يشكو و يئن يعد ان رحلت لمصيرها..............؟

لا ادري!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ولا ادري اذا كنت ساتحمل كل هذا العذاب من بعدها .........

كل ما ادري انها رحلت و تركتني وحيدا ............

ولا الومها............

فرحيلها لم يكن باختيارها ....

فقد كانت هي الحياة لي و لقد كنت انا السعادة و الامان لها ..............

و الان رحلت سعادتي و اماني ............

و رحلت هي اخذة روحي و حياتي لها........

و بقيت انا.........

حزينا ....


اتذكر حبي لها ..............

يتقاتل عقلى مع اسئلته و حيرته .................

و انا اقف مكتوف الايدي ..................لا ادري


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Reham, finally you publish something artistic on your blog hah?

This is a really nice poem. Seriously, I can touch some great honest feelings in there.. I read it so many times that I found myself in need of sending a comment to the author: Please publish more.

Great piece of art it is for me. Waiting to read more insha Allah.

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello Reham, hello eng. Ahmed i have a comment on your poem, as a structure it's very good simple and delivers the message but as a feeling you're expressing your grief someone dear to you for her death for sometime then it will be over. so the structure is good but it needs strong words for the feelng.

12:17 PM  
Blogger alkawnuخayal said...

Nice work....very touching indeed..keep it up...U need to publish more poems...I love this poem, but I had a feeling that the person is afraid to unveil the what he felt after she has gone..he doesn't express all his feelings......hope 2 c other poems soon...

Salma Alsaady

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi every one this Ahmed ...... thank u all for ur great comments ..... and i am really sorry that my words were weak but...i belive that the main reason for that is that this poem is my first one ...... i mainly write short stories and smthng else but i dont know its meaning in eng. its called (7'water).....& i realy was going to start this poem as a one but it turns to this shape.......but i am realy so happy that u liked it ....thanx

12:12 PM  
Anonymous ashkenaz said...

tba3an gamda bas ahmed 3ndo 7agat kteeeeeeeeeeeer agmad menha
bas maimna3sh enha 7elwa 2wy 2wy
w merci ya emma enk 7tetiha

1:01 AM  

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