A step towards some change

I am a very simple egyptian girl, who is not satisfied somehow with her society and feels like this specific society deserves more than it gets, and can be the best with little more effort and much more frankness and persistance. "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."(Maya Angelou)

Location: Cairo, Egypt

Saturday, August 05, 2006

We are the pharaohs!!

I am the grand son of king Tut, thats why I am still following my ancestors' traditions in writing and registering all our memories, daily routine and even love stories on the walls.
But our new generation has applied new techniques that suits the new age we are living. It's not necessary to write on walls only, wherever you have space, pen and free time to take down notes do it. You can do this on your way back home on the bus, subway, or even micro and minibuses, and if you are walking you can still write on every single wall that you pass by. It's more fun to write on people's own property and sign ur name, your beloved name and your dates too.
"WE ARE THE GREAT SONS OF OUR GREAT ANCESTORS", the common illusion we are all living these days and clinging to it. It's great to appreciate our ancestors and their incredible intelligence. Our attitude is the most incredible mere stupidity which we insist to adopt. Our ancestors are our past, we can't live without a past, yet we can't live in the past forever. Time changes, people changes and so should we. Change is our only tool for coping and moving with this country forward. This fierce developed countries consider us a burden over the whole world ,that we shouldn't live in this world sucking all its natural sources without working back.
The Pharaos have done their own part of working hard and thinking, but what have we done uptill now...................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thnk you so much you have said exactly what i wanted to say.when will we stop saying "we have done so&so" "we were once a great nation", a hell with ehat we have done in the past that we didn't even follow our ancestors' steps and kept developing, we are satisfied with what they did and no more. WAKE UP folks let's be like them, let's write our own history so that the following generations will be proud of us and follow our steps.

2:02 PM  
Blogger alkawnuŘŽayal said...

we always ask ourselves ..how come those ppl were our ancestors? they were so hard working..so smart...something has definetly gone wrong...
my explanation 4 this is that different fields of sciences & knowledge were only studied by priests ...when they were gone no one inherited any knowledge....something like middle ages-Europe...However Europe was able to learn from this mistake & flourished..we're only crying 4 the spoilt milk & look backward....Imagine if we wake up one day & all our monuments were gone...all evidence of a once upon a time great civilization will be gone....maybe that'swhy ppl write on walls & buses these days

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

da klam w bas elly fal7een feh.
we have to do rather than only talk
we have to be ourselves,to b proud of ourselves.i dont mean not to be proud of the ancestors no we have to b proud of zem as well why not but not only be proud w 7'las eshta la2 we have 2 be great like zem in order 2 b proud of ourslves and 2 let our children in the future proud of us too.
we have to change our attitude fe3lan as u said
i think u r looking 4 change u r always talking about it

4:29 PM  

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