A step towards some change

I am a very simple egyptian girl, who is not satisfied somehow with her society and feels like this specific society deserves more than it gets, and can be the best with little more effort and much more frankness and persistance. "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."(Maya Angelou)

Location: Cairo, Egypt

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

American Dream

When I was a little child I've always dreamed of travelling to Europe or even America, that dream just kept growing. Movies, products and fake civilisation just kept nourishing my "American Dream". I was really fascinated with the life style, "freedom" and everything there. After I grew up and started to realize the fake mask this culture is wearing, by this time I had my own view and my own theory about the "American Dream".
If we looked closer we'll easily realize that the Americans were mainly criminals, outcasts and thieves, whose countries' jails couldn't bare more and thus were sent to the "new land". I mean that they are not of a main united origin thats why they are all suffering ethnic. They had this major sadistic background of serial killings for the native Americans (no wonder they are reviving that tradition back).
Even those who were of some "noble" origin they were cruel enough to enslave the Africans and treat them as animals with lower rank of rights (so long for the "noble" origin). I mean if we compared their origins and their attitude nowadays we will understand why they act like this. Its simply lack of unity in origins, that they all carry along where ever they go, which makes them so degraded that they like to prove themselves to other people by power and ruling the world's sources.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just wanna say, if everyone of us is fascinated with the American Dream and travelled abroad, what will happen to our country? why don't we have a dream to work on and try to achieve... i hope we all get united one day on one dream , and to have an "Arabian Dream" and an "Egyptian Dream" and ofcourse we will be better than those Killers..

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to clarify...America was not founded with criminals...Australia was. America was originally founded by people who were looking for religious freedom. It was later founded by people looking for economic freedom, and it is most recently founded by well-off foreigners who can afford the plane fair over here - and the Mexicans who can walk. It has never been 'cheap' to get to America and America has never been a drop off point for criminals. Because it is not cheap and never has been to get here, the majority of indiviuals arriving here were of superior financial and intellectual levels of society. It is true that criminals were actually SHIPPED to Australia for free, so that was indeed founded by criminals...but I suppose they turned out pretty darn well despite that.
All your points may have been correct about American's current and past behavior - but your way of arriving at your own personal opinion is simply incorrect.

10:20 PM  
Blogger Caring Friend said...

England and France's prisons were really getting crowded and that all when they were cruelly controlled, then they decided to get rid of their life time prisoners and ship them to the new land "America". Then the nobles came when they found that its just vast areas with no owners. they used to ride on their horses and run as fast as they can when ever they feel its enough they consider their stopping point the boarders of their lands. In addition that the economic freedom was not the main purpose when they first discovered America. Even if that didn't happen as u claim their homocides against the native Americans is fair enough to consider them bloody criminals and blood thirsty people. Their ships that were full of african slaves sailing by kidnapped africans who were treated as merchandise and catigorized on the american shores according to their health and gender and that only for those who survived the long journey who are almost less than 20% of the total number brought from Africa, isn't that criminals' attitude.
So i suggest u go back to the american history books and review them back then come to discuss the "niggers'" battle against their masters only to get their freedom in the "freedom country"

2:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(this is long and you do not have to post it, but I felt obligated to reply)

Tens of thousands of Americans lost their lives fighting against slavery in the Civil War. (the black people did NOT rise up against their slave owners...as a matter of fact, most of the importers of slaves were black themmselves!!!!!!!! Slavery has ALWAYS been a problem in Africa) Yes, there were bad people here, there are bad people everywhere. But true evil happens when the good people stand by and do nothing but watch. Americans did not stand by and watch the black slave battle against their masters...they believed in freedom, they fought for freedom, and they won that freedom.

Second - I had a wonderful black history teacher who said "I'm sick and tired of all these black people complaining about slavery! Look where I'm at! If there had never been slavery I'd perhaps be hungry, and hot and dying of disease in Africa. Slavery happened and it was WRONG - but it was a long time ago and in the end it has worked out quite better for most black people than Africa did." Life here is still not perfect for black people. The society is partly responsible for that, and the black people themselves are responsible for that. But I ASSURE you that ANY black person here has more freedom and opportunity in a single day than most Middle Easterners have in their entire lifetimes. You can claim we are recist and "oh the poor 'niggers'...as you oddly called them...but what of your felaheen and your sa'idi??? Do they have half the chance of a black man or woman has here in my country? No, not even a hair as much opportunity. Not only is it near impossible for them to move to the 'city' - but if they do they will be treated poorly and looked down on anyway. Perhaps you, as an obviously educated and intellegent woman, do have some opportunities, but most people in your country have NONE.

About the Indians...Yes, what happened in that instance was tragic - yet there are several things that one must keep in mind. First, the majority of Indians were not 'killed by blood thirsty criminals' - the majority were killed by disease Europeans brought that their bodies had never been exposed to and couldn't fight (even though that is horrible, it was not intentional or evil, just terribly sad and unfortunate). The other reason the native Americans entire culture dissolved was due to alcohol. When the Europeans brought alcohol with them, the Indians genetic sitution led them to quickly become dependent on it. This is still a HUGE problem in our country to this very day. Lastly about the Indians - the government DID try to make things right for them,but due to the circumstances it was too late. All Indians born here are given much aid from the government, live on their own land, are given food and homes (they also live under their own laws)....but in the end so many end up selling everything they have for alcohol that it's heartbreaking. Yes, the 'white man' is somewhat responsible for bringing alcohol and disease to these native peoples, but it had NOTHING to do with being blood-thirsty. Also, what of the slaves in Egypt thousands of years ago???? What is the difference? The slaves 200 years ago have absolutely NOTHING to do with anyone who is alive today...just as YOU have nothing to do with the crimes of your ancesters. Your blood is MUCH purer than that of any American!!! If it is genetic it is you all who are at risk of commiting the sins of the past! No one here is descended from any one race or culture...but YOU ARE! I'm not saying you are genetically similiar to the pharoan who had slaves, but that to say I or any other American is similiar to slave owners is truly unfair.

Lastly, I repeat, the United States was not founded by criminals. It is always helpful to read MANY sources when it comes to history and current events, and not just sources that are in Arabic, or written by Arabs. Americans do not connect themselves with the past because our history has been so short...therefore our authors and researchers etc. have NO REASON to twist the truth. One very great misunderstanding of American culture is that almost all great American minds seek truth over propoganda. We are not interested in conspiracy theories and who is responsible for what and how we can figure out to get around the system. In that sense we are very simple. The Middle East believes all our motives are selfish and blood thirsty and evil....never quite understanding that our only goal is to seek truth and justice and the right to live in peace, in our homes, our schools, our streets and our land. Live here for one year and you will know what freedom and justice mean. Laugh at our 'freedom country' all you want, but live here and you will no longer be laughing...you will clearly be able to see the difference.

Americans have done MANY MANY things to improve the lives of all who live here and have tried to repair the past as much as possible. Your examples of Indians and Slaves have absolutely nothing to do with our society today. Perhaps these thoughts help you to make some sense out of what has happened in Iraq and to the Palestinians...but I say simply you are looking in the wrong place for the answers. I am deeply saddened and angry about the situation in Israel - and I am frustrated and confused about the situation in Iraq. Most Americans are upset about Iraq - and sadly VERY FEW Americans have any understanding of Zionism and Palestians. They hear of 68 year old suicide bombing grandma's and that's enough for them to think you are all crazy. Ask even the most educated Americans what is going on in Israel and they will not be able to tell you. Perhaps you are seeing our support of Israel is so strong because we ourselves are responsible for killing off the Indians. But really, there is NO COMPREHENSION AT ALL because most Americans do not even realize that that is exactly what is happening to the Palestinians. I would guess less than 2% of our population knows anything about the Palestinians situation. Is that wrong? yes, but the reason they don't know is because they don't care because the minute a person boards a bus and tries to kill innocent children SIMPLY TO MAKE A STATEMENT - Americans will no longer listen. They stopped listening years ago...but it is not because they are blood thirsty, it is because they are ignorant.

I see you are very clever and smart. I see that you want to make changes, and see changes in your country. You are exactly what your country needs, but if you are looking for answers you MUST look in many different places - not just the words of hate and anger that are spread about the West. Some of your information is correct - all of it is correct to SOME degree - but it is only a very very small part of the story - and as I hope the best for Egypt, I hope the individuals like you who have passion and intelligence and confidence DO make a difference. Don't get stuck on the propoganda, or you will never find the answers.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Caring Friend said...

I just want to say that i'm not against americans because of their ancestors' crimes, but rather against the narrow minded people who just are able to accept to be deceived by the unreal only because its dressed in the white innocent dress. Accepting the evidences without searching around the clues. just being consumers of ideas rather than reproductive.
the americans didn't help the slaves through their battle until recently after they had almost become all together one hand and that proves that unity makes difference.
the problem of most of the human beings is that they recognize their faults after its "too late" and its no use to correct that fault.
i dont believe and neither Islam believe that anybody carries out another's sin just for being related. and its not fair at all to judge americans now for their late grand grand fathers' crimes even if they had done it.
keeping up with the current events in our world is very vital to anybody american or middel eastern. it just widens the horizons but i guess your government does a great role in giving the citizens the "right" truths about arabs, palastenians and israelis. hope most of the americans can really feel the true side of middle eastern.

3:41 PM  

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